ZoWhat! What are the Top 5 Issues facing African American’s Collective progress- SG- Young Pharaoh – YouTube

What are the Top 5 Issues facing African American’s
Collective progress?
Is it too late in the game to even ask?

With Special Guest Panelist:
Young Pharaoh

What are the five biggest problems facing black Americans?

Where do things like racism and police brutality rank?

True or False?
The War on Drugs, which began in the 1980s, is a leading cause of the high rate of incarceration among African Americans, especially males?

True or False?
The African American unemployment rate doubles that of the population as a whole, demonstrating obvious difficulties providing for families and accumulating wealth?

True or False?
In the 1980s, affirmative action had largely equalized college attendance among African Americans and others. Since then, attacks on this policy, which provided some minorities with preference in admissions, has eviscerated these gains in individual states?

True or False? You
A slew of high-profile, questionable deaths involving police have led to a “Black Lives Matter” movement, the criminal indictment of some officers and urban riots?

What about the absence of black fathers?

How has the massive wealth gap influenced/ distorted black relationships, and subsequently the black family?

True or False?
Looming large over all problems in the African American community is systemic racism. First enunciated in detail by political scientist Charles Hamilton and activist Stokely Carmichael, this term refers to the whole edifice of institutions, public and private, that make life in the country harsh for many minorities. Systemic racism differs from personal prejudice in that it remains imperceptible to many?

True or False?
The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world, with over 1.6 million dwelling in prisons. Of this number, a disproportionate amount are African Americans?

True or False?
In the wake of the Black Power movement arose the era of inner-city gangs. These violent groups helped fill a leadership void among a dispossessed people. Today, criminal gangs have spread throughout the country and into the prisons?

True or False?
One central goal of the Civil Rights Movement was black economic empowerment. Nevertheless, millions of African Americans still live mired in poverty, susceptible to poor living conditions in underserved inner-cities?

True or False?
Today, with African American males disproportionately incarcerated, many single women face the burden of raising children alone?

Is hip-hop culture pro nuclear family?

True or false? The vast majority of Hip-hop culture leans towards bigamy & Misogynistic attitudes?

Is hip hop culture anti-family/community?

Which religious culture has a greater adverse impact on black folks in America Christianity, Islam and Hebrew-ism?

Was Gangster rap more feared/respected when it made records about blacks going after cops?

Is hip hop music/culture only useful/beneficial to our people when it’s positive/uplifting?

Is the content in today’s hip hop music still just reflecting the reality of the streets?

True or false? Today’s hip hop music is more like “FOX-NEWS,” it creates the News/DRAMA?

WHY ARE BLACKS IN AMERICA SO ENAMORED WITH MUSIC & TV THAT PROMOTES DEATH OF OUR MEN, PROMOTION OF ENVY, & DISRESPECT OF OUR WOMEN? Why are all your iconic black stars 45 to 55 years old? Born in 1969 (Jay Z, Puff Daddy, Baby Cash Money and Ice Cube) Legal Changes Telecommunications Act of 1995 and changes in Radio Did Television Shows in the 1980’s/1990’s creates the black movie stars of 2000? Are there any New Black talented actors, singers, and comedians or are they locked out? Is this the end for Blacks as the go to entertainers or will something new arise?

what role the did Clinton backed TELCOM act have on the lack of diversity in the entertainment industry?

Is hip hop music/culture only useful/beneficial to our people when it’s positive/uplifting?

Is the content in today’s hip hop music still just reflecting the reality of the streets?

True or false? Today’s hip hop music is more like “FOX-NEWS,” it creates the News/DRAMA?


What’s difference between HIV & Aids?

What are myths about the origins of the AIDS virus?

Was aids man made?

via #ZoWhat! What are the Top 5 Issues facing African American’s Collective progress? SG: Young Pharaoh – YouTube

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